Paul's House

Paul's House
Paul's House

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

 Decent at Best wishes everyone tidings of good cheer for Christmas and the New Year. For a fresh blanket of snow. For finding something beyond the Hallmark diversion, the thing that brings families closer together. The gift of giving maybe or the feeling of comfort being around loved ones. Despite the usual  family squabbles. A time of  jovial adulation and appreciation for the good aspects of ones life. Also there's Turkey.  Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Videos from The Hub Billiard Club

These were taken by dear friends and loyal honorary members of Decent at Best. Some truly beautiful people. I hope this event has helped people in more ways than one. Toys of hope. It looks like the event went quite well. Smooth no bumps. Giving everyone a little bit of hope.